viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Literature Exam Study Guide (3 Bach)

3º Bach. students, here is a guide of what to study for the exam on Monday. We will use the first class period on Monday to review and for any questions you may have.

- Study the questions for Chapters 5-9 of The Hound of the Baskervilles.
- Study the past participle forms for common irregular verbs. (ex. go->gone, keep->kept, find->found)
- Be prepared to list the important features of a resume.
- Be prepared to write a critical review of The Hound of the Baskervilles.
- Be prepared to write an essay using the future perfect tense (ex. will have studied, will have gone)

Have a good weekend!
- Mr. Joe

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

The opening scene from Werner Herzog's film Nosferatu (based on Dracula).

Where was this scene filmed? Why do you think Herzog decided to film there? What do you think of the music? Does this scene make you want to keep watching?

Hugh Jackman as Van Helsing.

In what way is Van Helsing different in this movie from the way he is portrayed in Stoker's novel? Which portrayal of Van Helsing do you prefer and why?

Lucy as a vampire, from the movie 'Bram Stoker's Dracula', directed by Francis Ford Coppola.

In which chapter of the novel does this scene appear? What do you think of Coppola's version of this episode?